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Notification of Intention to take Adoptive Leave

The purpose of this letter is to notify your employer of the start date of your adoptive leave. It gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are following the correct procedure.

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What help is available?

The document comes with help on how to complete it.  Simply follow the instructions and fill in the details. When you reach the end you will have a notification of intention to take adoptive leave form ready to send.

How do I purchase the document?

Click on the paypal button. You will be brought to a secure page where you  can then purchase and download the document, together with any relevant guides and “How To” videos. You do not have to have a paypal account to use this payment method. You can use your credit/debit card. Start saving today.

See related law guides: Adoptive leave

Download document only.      €6.15 (vat incl)  


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