
Our Fixed Fee monthly employment law support plan

aarcsavemoneygrey350Peace of mind for your business at the right price

Our fixed fee Employment Law monthly support plan can help your business save money. We have over thirty years of running our own business. We know how important it is to make sure that every item of expenditure is cost effective.








How is the employment law monthly support plan cost effective for my business?

With the increasing frequency of awards of twice the annual salary being made, the need to avoid claims has never been greater. Most employers agree that seeking advice early in the process can help them avoid claims, and better defend any claim which does arise. Many employers are reluctant to seek employment law advice on a regular basis because of the cost implications. They sometimes wait until a claim has been initiated before seeking help. This is understandable as no one wants to be hit with a hefty legal bill. We can help you save on your legal bill.

Our employer support plan means that you can obtain employment law advice on a regular basis for a fixed monthly cost which can be budgeted for. This can greatly reduce claims, as you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your procedures are compliant with current Irish employment legislation. It also means that if a problem arises, you can seek early advice from our qualified experts and help prevent the matter from escalating. Avoiding risk is a very cost effective policy.

We get to know your business. This is a great advantage whenever it comes to defending a claim.

As a monthly member you also get reductions in the cost of our other services.


What does the scheme offer?

We offer day to day employment law advice and support at a fixed annual cost, broken into monthly affordable instalments.

What is included in the monthly support plan?

  • Free initial audit of your employment law documentation. This includes contracts of employment, policies and procedures. This has saved many employers more than the cost of the annual subscription.

  • Unlimited access to our telephone helpline. You will be able to talk to one of our qualified, experienced experts during business hours. (or outside hours in the case of an emergency)

  • Advice on employment law issues which arise in the course of your business.

  • Advice on correspondence you may wish to send in pursuance of your grievance or disciplinary procedures.

  • Regular updates on employment law

  • Reduced hourly rate for employment law services which fall outside the terms of the support package.

  • An annual review of the service with our principal in order to see how we can improve our service to you.


What is not covered?

The monthly support plan is designed to provide cost effective help for routine employment law matters that can arise on a day to day basis.

It therefore would not cover the following:

  • Advice on TUPE, redundancy or non employment law issues.

  • Representation at Employment Appeals Tribunal hearings or related court actions.

  • Preparation of new policies or procedures

  • Drafting compromise agreements

  • Sending out correspondence on your behalf

However it does lead to reduced fees for any area not covered by the agreement.


Where can I get details of the subscription plans ?

The plans vary, depending on the number of employees. For more information just click on the orange button and select the plan that suits you.







You'll be glad you did.


If you require any further information please contact us using the orange Tell Me More button below.   

If you believe that the plans do not suit your circumstances, talk to us, we'll work with you to find your preferred solution.

Do it now.


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